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Sustainable delivery

We endeavour to use suppliers from our local area as far as possible. This ensures the shortest possible transport distances, at the same time as benefiting business and development in the region in which we operate.

Suppliers are an important part of Somas’ overall operation, and they are carefully chosen on the basis of objective factors such as quality, reliability, delivery and price. We have a policy called the
“Supplier Code of Conduct”, in which we set out the demands that Somas places on its suppliers regarding business ethics, compliance with the law, human and employee rights, health and safety, wages and working hours, environmental work, as well as sustainability for products and services.
We expect all our suppliers to follow the rules defined in the Code of Conduct. When the supplier signs the Code of Conduct, this constitutes the starting point for a business relationship with Somas. The Code of Conduct also states that suppliers must impose the same demands on their subcontractors.

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We adapt to your industry

Do you work in an industry that needs valves with metal seats made from stainless materials? If so, you’ve come to the right place. At Somas, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for!

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