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Service packages

Do you want to make a well informed and safe purchase, secure in the knowledge that, as your supplier, we will happily assist you in the event of any type of issues with our products? In that case, you should do the same as many of our other customers and complement your Somas products with a service package.

A service package can be viewed as a form of insurance for safer operation, shorter downtime, a minimised need for spare parts and increased knowledge overall. Our service packages come into effect once our valve solutions have been delivered. They are both flexible and adjustable, and it’s up to you to decide how much you wish to utilise the perks that the package offers.

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We hear your valves talking

Be sure to listen when your valves are talking! SomVerify® uses remote access technology that can save you both time and money. By using the right technology, we can verify that your valves are working optimally in each application and identify any faults that occur.

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