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Control engineering – Basic course

Our training will teach you things that can be of direct use in your work! Welcome to Somas Training Centre, where you will receive training designed for you and your needs.

In order to achieve a well-functioning process and avoid unnecessary or unscheduled downtime, it is important that your service personnel have the right skills to ensure this. Education and training are the cornerstones for maintaining the skills levels required to deliver a well-functioning process. As part of an ongoing process, it is important for service personnel to know exactly what applies when the assignment is to be carried out.
Our course leaders have extensive experience from various industries, so take the opportunity to put your specific questions to one of our experts. The course lasts one day. This is a basic course in control engineering for beginners and service technicians, where theory is interspersed with practical examples from the process industry. Welcome to Somas Training Centre, where you will learn more about control engineering!

After completing the course, you will:

  • Have gained a good understanding and knowledge about how the control loop and its components work
  • Be able to analyse and troubleshoot with the help of trend images

Next course:
Date not set, more information to come.

Course registration

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